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Warband 1.143 Crack for WSE (Warband Script Enhancer)
Games > PC
4.17 MB

Warband crack wse

Mar 8, 2012

WSE (Warband Script Enhancer) checks the checksum of mb_warband.exe to see if it's the original. I've changed the checksum for two different cracks so that they look like the original file to WSE. I didn't make either crack, I just changed the checksum of both of them so they'd work with WSE. I'm still testing both out. Crack 1 seems to have fewer issues with WSE, but crack 2 seems to actually see some servers. If your crack is working fine for you, I've also included everything that you'll need to change the SRC32 checksum of your current cracked .exe. Here's what you'll need to do once you've extracted the archive...

If you want to use either of the cracks I've included for 1.143:

1)Copy either of the mb_warband's to your installation directory, then either use them or WSE to launch the game. If you like mb_warband2.exe better, rename it to mb_warband.exe. 

If you want to use your current crack with WSE:

1) Copy fakecrc.exe

2) Open up cmd by clicking start, run, then cmd


2) Type cmd in the start menu, right click cmd.exe, and choose 'Run as administrator'

3) Minimize that window for now, browse to your Warband installation directory (ie C:Program Files (x86)Mount&Blade - Warband), and paste fakecrc.exe here.

4. Create a backup somewhere of mb_warband (or whatever your crack is called) in case it gets messed up here in a little bit.

5) At the top of your file browser, copy your current directory.

6) Switch to the cmd window. Type 'cd' without quotes, hit space, right click in the window, and select paste. Enter.

7) If you're in the same directory as your cracked .exe and fakecrc.exe in your cmd window, copy the text 'fakecrc mb_warband.exe 0xC3FEE1D1' without quotes and paste it into the cmd window (replace mb_warband.exe with whatever the cracked .exe is). Hit enter. You should see "Done! CRC32 is now 0xC3FEE1D1" somewhere. If that's not what it says, something is wrong.
-Note: Type fakecrc by itself for help with its functions.

Hope it works out for you, please seed if it does =)


Well it doesn't work for me ...
I follow all the steps and i get the "Done! CRC32 is now 0xC3FEE1D1" ,i lunch the game whit the WSE.exe and stuff but the game doesn't recognize that I am using Warband script enhancer and and still has bugs and crashes as always.

I tested it in Shogun mod for M&B Warband 1.143.
I hope you release the WSE update for 1.153
Sorry for the late response - this isn't something I've had time to keep tabs with. Thank you for informing me of the update =). Provided that the protection that WSE provides hasn't changed, then all that's necessary is to find the CRC32 (Not SRC32, that was a typo) checksum of the exe provided with the newest (uncracked) patch, and then apply the same steps listed above to whatever crack you have for this patch. The checksum of the current mb_warband.exe is 7F079D05. So basically just follow the steps above, but now use 0x7F079D05. Cheers!
One last note: The cracks provided in this torrent probably aren't compatible with Warband 1.153, so you will have to download the crack from another torrent, and then download this and use fakecrc on their crack to fool WSE.
dude nothing happened it just did this
C:windowssystem32cd C:\Program FilesMount&Blade Warband
'Blade' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
i didnt understand step 6
The & symbol is throwing it off. Try using quotes around the directory name, ie cd "C:Program FilesMount&Blade Warband"
If you're in the same directory as your cracked .exe and fakecrc.exe in your cmd window, copy the text 'fakecrc mb_warband.exe 0xC3FEE1D1' without quotes and paste it into the cmd window (replace mb_warband.exe with whatever the cracked .exe is). Hit enter. You should see "Done! CRC32 is now 0xC3FEE1D1" somewhere. If that's not what it says, something is wrong.
-Note: Type fakecrc by itself for help with its functions. "what do you mean by this" when i open my WSE my warband game launcher just appeared that normal?
i mean is that normal
dude you there
Sorry about the late response. Yeah, that sounds normal.
so how can i edit mods by using this
Warband Script Extender isn't for editing mods. WSE is a script extender which allows mods to have more advanced scripting capabilities. So the modding isn't done by running WSE itself, it's not an all in one modding utility, but rather WSE handles advanced scripts that modders wouldn't normally be able to put in their mods. As far as why this torrent exists, WSE tries to see if the user is using a legit copy of the game first. The efforts here are to bypass that protection, not to add additional functionality not found elsewhere. A lot of mods do come with WSE, so this is necessary to trick WSE if you're using a cracked version. In short, this torrent is probably only useful to you if you have a pirated version and are running a mod which includes WSE, or if you have a pirated version and want to develop a mod with advanced scripting capabilities. I have no clue how to mod, but as Warband is a very popular game you shouldn't have a hard time finding tutorials for this kind of thing. Try looking around on the TaleWorld forums. Hope this helped clear things up.
AnonymousJim, could you PLEASE make the same for 1.153? A crack for version 1.153 which is working with WSE? I only need singleplayer. Thanks so much sir.
Alright, Barabas & medhathobo, I'll look into it. Expect something tomorrow. If WSE hasn't changed how it verifies the exe, that is. Otherwise it'll take longer.
dude ive just downloaded a new mod its the shogun mod but how can i find the cr32 in this mod and follow this steps.
Do i have to apply this steps on the warband game or the shogun mod